Topp Care hair solutions Victory over Greying and Thinning hair

极致浓黑发泥护理从$ 80起(视头发长度而定)(原价:$358) + 附送顶盛专业护发产品 + 环保手提袋


    Topp Care-Winner of Best Signature Hair Treatment
    “After the treatments, I find that my scalp feels so much lighter and when I run my fingers thru my scalp, my scalp doesn’t feel oily and it feels quite nice. I love clean and fresh feeling scalp! “
    “It is so obvious that my oiliness has improved and my follicles are so clear now too! “
    “Right after the treatment, I felt that my scalp is much more refreshed and cleansed of all the dirt, grime and sebum that’s been built up.“